$ ansible -i hosts \* -m debug -a 'msg="${greeting}"' won't work...

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Mon Jan 25 11:12:29 CET 2016

also sprach frank.stuppy at erv.de <frank.stuppy at erv.de> [2016-01-25 22:53 +1300]:
> am I wrong or will the example for ansible in the documentation
> not work?
> reclass does not parse the ansible plays and therefor it can't
> replace e.g. ${greeting} or am I something missing.

reclass won't replace the the variable in the play, but Ansible
should¹ have access to reclass data by the time it evaluates the
variable in the msg in the command listed in the subject, and if
this is an example from the docs (which I don't have handy right
now), then it did work at the time of writing.

¹) I say "should" because Ansible is a mystery, both in the way it
was designed to work and in the way the people behind it think it
should work. But it's been made clear to me that the Ansible lead
developer Michael Dehaan is not interested in my feedback. This is
why I no longer support or care about Ansible, sorry.

What does the command print for you?

@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
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spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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